It Took Me 40 Years to Realize I Hate These 5 Things

The beauty of unapologetically opting out

Kerala Taylor
8 min readAug 8, 2023


Photo by Alina555/Getty Images

Something happened when I turned 40. Essentially, I stopped giving a fuck. Or, to put it more precisely, I continued giving fucks about things that mattered and realized that everything else didn’t matter nearly as much as I’d been led to believe.

When I wrote about this a few summers ago, I realized I wasn’t the only middle-aged woman who felt liberated from this unnecessary fuckery. Readers cheered me on as I outlined all the things that were no longer on my give-a-fuck radar.

For years, society had given me the impression that upon my 40th birthday, I’d be suddenly plunged into irrelevance, my sense of self subsumed by rapidly encroaching wrinkles and varicose veins, doomed to spend the rest of my life apologizing to everyone who was forced to behold the drooping contour of my breasts through my platysmal-band-concealing turtleneck sweater.

Instead, I’ve found my 40s to be incredibly empowering. Middle age comes with its own challenges, to be sure, but I finally feel like I’m hitting my stride with this whole “being a woman” thing. I spent most of my 30s feeling insecure about being a mom and most of my 20s feeling insecure about being a young female professional. Before that, of course, were the teen and…



Kerala Taylor

Award-winning writer. Interrupting notions of what it means to be a mother, woman, worker, and wife. Subscribe: