I'm what they call a "geriatric millenial," which is pretty much a youngish Gen Xer and I was nodding my head the entire time I read your story. If you really want to delve into this more, read "The Deficit Myth," one of the top 5 most life-changing books I've ever read. I grew up in San Francisco with two parents who were elementary school teachers. They owned (still own) a two-bedroom flat that is now worth well over a million dollars. My husband and I are both college-educated professionals (he has a doctorate) and there's just no way we could raise our family in San Francisco and be financially secure. We've missed out on years of proximity to my parents (and help with childcare) because I was priced out of the city I was born and raised in. And if we can't afford the city, who can??? San Francisco is an extreme example, but like you point out, this is happening everywhere, including my new hometown of Portland, OR. Thanks for your beautifully written and heartfelt story.