I very much agree that a competition of suffering is both unproductive and a slippery slope. As someone with children, I agree with everything you've laid out and am also very aware that I chose to give up some of these things when I made the decision to have children. Honestly, my main point of frustration is not that childfree people get to sleep in on the weekends, but rather that parents and childfree people often feel pitted against each other. If workplaces and modern life in general were designed with parents' needs in mind, not only would we be more sane (and perhaps less resentful) but childfree people would benefit, too. Who doesn't want to work less and have more flexible hours? Meanwhile, I know that childfree women in particular often feel judged and demeaned by society for their choice to not have children. If you don't want children, please don't have children! I support you! I wish the raising of the next generation was treated as a communal goal, not something that falls solely on the shoulders of parents. We should all be pitching in for universal childcare and other social supports that would enable us to harness more creativity/brainpower from frazzled parents. And most importantly, that would benefit rising generations who will be molding our collective future and taking care of *all* of us when we age.