Before I get to my comment, I'd like you to know that I scored 1410 on my SATs. I know it wasn't a perfect 1600, but it was enough to get me into an Ivy League college, so obviously I'm really smart.
You should also know that the first time I took the SATs, I scored an 1180, which was not enough to get me in to an Ivy League college. But because I spent five consecutive Saturdays learning how to up my score, I was able to... well, up my score. It's amazing how smart I got in five short weeks! Because I learned that I could drastically improve my reading comprehension score by underlining the passage in question, I suddenly became Ivy League material!
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'm really, really smart, so whatever comment I leave here is obviously True and Right. And now... to get to my comment: You nailed it! Of course, you know that already, but now it's even more true because I said it.